1998-2003 CABK, Kampen NL, Bachelor of Fine Arts, painting
2003-2005 de Ateliers, Amsterdam, NL (post graduate program)
Solo Exhibitions
2021 Cokkie Snoei, 'We are the heroes of our time. Eurovision Songfestival, our guilty pleasure'
2018/2019 Museum 'Tot Zover', 'Do not go gentle', Ned. Uitvaartmuseum, Amsterdam
2016 Cokkie Snoei 'Music was my first love'
2014 Cokkie Snoei 'You're doing all right, how am I?' 23 november Publicatie monografie KvN:
'You tell me words don't matter?'/ auteur W. Sütö/ 144 pagina's/ Uitgeverij De kunst
2014 Cokkie Snoei, Volta10, Basel, CH, 'It's your firmament, baby'
2013/ 2014 CBK Amsterdam, Love me or leave me'
2013 Cokkie Snoei, Art Rotterdam, Rotterdam, duo presentation with Elza Jo
2012 Cokkie Snoei, Rotterdam, 'Lover Lover Lover, a painted tribute'
2012 Schunck*, Heerlen, Project 'Pink*'
2011/2012 Dordrechts Museum, Dordrecht, 'De Schefferprijs 2011'
2011 Wetering Galerie, Amsterdam, 'Forget my Fate'
2011 Museum 'de Fundatie', Zwolle
2005 Gallery Dick de Bruijn, Amsterdam, duo presentation with Rieneke de Vries
2005 de Ateliers, Amsterdam
Group exhibitions
2021 Print in oplage, Akzo Nobel Art Foundation ism ‘ We like Art’, Amsterdam
2020/ 2021 By invitation only, Logman Gallery, Utrecht
2020/ 2021 Piece of cake, jubileumtentoonstelling Galerie With Tsjalling, Groningen
2020 Collect the Collection, Akzo Nobel Art Foundation, Amsterdam
2020 GIFC via Showhouse JayJay “Hot Paper”, gastcurator Ralf Kokke
2020 The Drawer, themanummer “Black”, oktober 2020, Les Presses du réel, Frankrijk
2019 Manic Patterns, Thimo te Duits, Cokkie Snoei Rotterdam
2019 Schlessart, Bergen
2019 38CC, Delft
2018 MST Enschede
2018 Rijksmuseum Twenthe, Enschede
2017 Stedelijk Museum Schiedam “oog in oog” topstukken van de collectie
2016 Stedelijk Museum Schiedam, 'Het ABC van de collectie'
2016 Marres, Maastricht
2016 Cokkie Snoei, Art Rotterdam 2016, van Nelle Fabriek, Rotterdam
2015 Cokkie Snoei, 'Amsterdam Drawing 2015'
2015 Marres, Contemporary Arts Centre 'Intimacy'
2015 @TAC Eindhoven 'No words today', Rik van Iersel: Buro Beukorkest,
2015 RAM Foundation, Rotterdam 'Commitment is (not) a word', curated by Berry Koedam.
Part of the “Language & Art tour, Poetry International 2015”.
2015 'Stubenhocker: Das Buch', Duitsland
2015 Cokkie Snoei 'Uit voorraad leverbaar'
2014 Vrije Universiteit Exposorium, Amsterdam, 'In Transit'
2014 CBK Amsterdam, 'Nieuwe aanwinsten' / 'Recent Acquisitions'
2014 Cokkie Snoei, Rotterdam, 'As tears go by'
2014 Cokkie Snoei, Art Rotterdam
2014 Joanneke Meester, DNB en OBA, Amsterdam, 'I am not doing anything until I feel the need'
2014 Hanne Hagenaars, CBK Amsterdam, 'Be Calm'
2014 Secret Postcards 2014
2013/2014 Vrije Universiteit Exposorium, Amsterdam, 'Work in Progress'
2013 Marcel van Eeden, Waregem, BE, auction led by S. Puttaert: Sr. Dr. Sotheby's, CH, 'Be Part'
2013 Grafiekmaand2013, Grafisch Atelier Kampen, silkscreen-print 'Red Mij Niet' (oplage 20)
2013 Wetering Galerie, Amsterdam, 'The last picture show'
2013 CBK Amsterdam, 'Nieuwe Aanwinsten' / 'Recent Acquisitions'
2013 K13, Marjan Teeuwen, Den Bosch 'The Glorious Rise and Fall....and so on'
2013 Cokkie Snoei, Rotterdam, 'As tears go by'
2012 ABN AMRO IJsseltoren, Zwolle, 'Banden, Binden, Verbindingen'
2012 Secret Postcards, Jan van Eyck academie, Maastricht
2012 Stichting Toonzaal & Poetry International, Rotterdam Centraal Station
2012 Arti et Amicitiae, Amsterdam, 'Door Schildersogen'/ 'From a painters perspective'
2011/ 2012 Dordrechts Museum, Dordrecht, 'What's up! De jongste schilderkunst in Nederland'
2011 JCE Biënnale, Parijs, FR, 'Dutch selection presented by Stijn Huijts'
2011 Schunck*, Heerlen, collection presentation
2011 Schunck*, Pinkpop, Landgraaf, 'Newseum'
2011 Wetering galerie, Amsterdam
2011 Schunck*, Heerlen, presentation recent acquisitions, 'The Magic Cube'
2010 Koninklijk Paleis, Amsterdam, Koninklijke Prijs voor de Vrije Schilderkunst
2006 GEM, Den Haag, Koninklijke Prijs voor de Vrije Schilderkunst, nominee
2005 GEM, Den Haag, Koninklijke Prijs voor de Vrije Schilderkunst, nominee
2004 de Ateliers, Amsterdam, '86'
Art Fairs
2016 Art Rotterdam, Cokkie Snoei
2015 Amsterdam Drawing, Cokkie Snoei
2014 Volta Basel, Cokkie Snoei
2014 Art Rotterdam, Rotterdam, Cokkie Snoei
2013 Amsterdam Drawing, Amsterdam, Cokkie Snoei
2013 Art Rotterdam, Cokkie Snoei
2021-2025 Werkbijdrage Bewezen Talent, Mondriaanfonds
2020 Snelloket Corona &Cultuur
2015 werkbijdrage Bewezen Talent, Mondriaanfonds
2014 Sieger White Award
2011 De Schefferprijs
2010 Koninklijke Prijs voor de Vrije Schilderkunst
2006 Koninklijke Prijs voor de Vrije Schilderkunst, nominatie
2005 Koninklijke Prijs voor de Vrije Schilderkunst, nominatie
2020 Speciale editie (piëzografie) “Liefde & Moed”,
Subsidie Corona Snelloket, gemeente Kampen,
300 signed prints for healthcare personel
2013 Grafisch Atelier, Kampen, silkscreen-print in edition of 20
2011-2012 Schunck* Muziekschool, Murals
2011 ArtEZ, Arnhem, linocut in edition of 1250
Caldic Collection, Wassenaar, the Netherlands
VU Exposorium, Amsterdam, the Netherlands
Ministerie van BUZA, The Hague, the Netherlands
A. Ribbink, Amsterdam, the Netherlands
AKZO Nobel Art Foundation, the Netherlands
Collection University Medical Center (UMC) Utrecht, the Netherlands
KRC Collection, the Netherlands
CBK Amsterdam, the Netherlands
Cees den Bakker & Joanneke van Benthem, Dordrecht, the Netherlands
Schunck* Heerlen, the Netherlands
Moniek Peters, Amsterdam, the Netherlands
Collection Dordrechts Museum, Vereniging Dordrechts Museum, NL
Isala Klinieken, Zwolle, the Netherlands
Collection J. Princen, Rotterdam, the Netherlands
S. en E. Van der Zee, Dordrecht, the Netherlands
Cokkie Snoei, Rotterdam,the Netherlands
Arie Berghout, Rotterdam, the Netherlands
Henk en Mieke Krot, Zandvoort, the Netherlands
A. van Blaaderen, Amsterdam, the Netherlands
Collection Cornips-Cremers, the Netherlands
C. Ortelee en F.J. de Visser, Lelystad, the Netherlands
M. van der Heyden, Maastricht, the Netherlands
E. van der Hoeven, Amsterdam, the Netherlands
M. van Eeden, Zürich, Switzerland
A. en C. Geertsema, Zwolle, the Netherlands
M. Wijnoldy-Hennus , Amsterdam, the Netherlands
R. Boddeus, Kampen, the Netherlands
M. & N. Quilligan-Hendriks, IJsselmuiden,the Netherlands
A. Visbeen, Dordrecht, the Netherlands
Erico Terada, Tokyo, Japan
No Knubben, Tiel, the Netherlands
(Amongst other works in private, corporate or municipal collections)
Press and publication
The Drawer, magazine, Presses du Réel, october 2020
Catalogue ‘Chemie tussen beeld en taal’, Schlessart, Bergen, 2019
“De dood volgens Queen, Adele en David Bowie”, Jan Pieter Ekker, Het Parool, 2018
recensie van solo in Museum Tot Zover
Appearance television, “Overijssel Vandaag”, RTV Oost: item on receiving a personal letter
from President Barack Obama, Hosted by Karen Eshuis
E. de Kloe, AD.NL Article on receiving a personal letter from president Barack Obama,
August 20 2015, Online Journal, NL
Paolo Lanconi, article on receiving a personal letter from president Barack Obama, August
20 2015, de Stentor (daily Journal), NL
Roder, Anke Kunst van de dag, : blog on contemporary art, May 2015
W. Sütö./ Kim van Norren, “You tell me words don’t matter?”, Monograph published on
occasion of the Sieger White Award 2014, published by Waanders, printed by Épos Press.
Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds, advertorial, Volkskrant, November 15th 2014
Kunstbeeld (red.), 'Kim van Norren wint Sieger White Award 2014',, July 8th, 2014
Sandra Smets, 'Kunstenaars waarderen grimmigheid', review of exhibition 'Artist's Proof' gallery Cokkie Snoei, NRC Handelsblad, Cultureel Supplement, June 5th, 2014
Niek Hendrix, 'Volta 10', Lost Painters Webmagazine, June 17th, 2014
Sophia Zürcher, 'de Liefde' in de beeldende kunsten, Kunstbeeld, February 2014
Niek Hendrix, Amsterdam Drawing 2013, Lost Painters Webmagazine, September 19th, 2013
Marjan Teeuwen, 'The Glorious Rise and Fall, and so on', Catalogue accompanying the homonymus exhibition, text contributions by Madeleine Kasten, Sandra Kisters, Maria Barnas, Rinke Nijburg, Margriet Kemper, p. 84-90, June 2013
Niek Hendrix, Lost Painters Webmagazine, February 7th, 2013
Dutch Heights 3, website, 2013
Mieke van der Star, Art Traces, commissioned by 'Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Geneeskunde', NTvG, No 6, February 2013
Wilma Sütö, Kim van Norren @Galerie Cokkie Snoei 'Liefdesbrief op Schildersdoek', article published, October 9th, 2012
Niek Hendrix, Visual report on solo exhibition: 'Kim van Norren- Lover Lover Lover, A painted tribute' @ galerie Cokkie Snoei, Lost Painters Webmagazine, December 8th 2012
Ries Rowaan, Banden Binden Verbindingen, catalogus accompanying homonymus exhibition at: IJsseltoren ABN AMRO, Zwolle, p. 15, October 4th, 2012
Niek Hendrix, Arti et Amicitiae; Door Schildersogen, Lost Painters Webmagazine, June 2nd, 2012
Roland Sohier, Guestblogger during the month May 2012, 'Kunst van de dag,,' May 18th, 2012
Emile Hollman, interview regarding the Project 'Pink*', Muziekschool Heerlen, 'In Kampen zou dit echt niet kunnen, Schunck* Magazine #6, p.30, February 2012
Secret Postcards, catalogue accompanying the exhibition 'Secret Postcards', Jan van Eyck Academie, 2012
Anna van Leeuwen, announcement of exhibitions atDordrecht & Amsterdam, Kunstbeeld 2011-2012 nr 12/ 1,division Expo, p. 15, January 2012
Hans den Hartog-Jager, review on solo-exhibition: 'Forget my Fate' @Wetering galerie, NRC Handelsblad, 'Wouden van Betekenis', Cultureel Supplement, December 8th, 2011
Wilma Sütö, article 'Een teken aan de wand, over de schilderijen van Kim van Norren', Mister Motley magazine over beeldende kunst No 30, p.90-99, December 2011
Dutch Heights 2, December 2011
Saskia Lensink, article 'Kim van Norren wint de Scheffer 2011', AD Drechtsteden, November 2011
Moniek Peters, Gerrit Willems, Dordrechts Museum, catalogue accompanying the group exhibition: 'What's Up! De jongste schilderkunst in Nederland, p. 50, 2011-2012
Niek Hendrix, Dordrechts Museum, 'What's Up! De jongste schilderkunst in Nederland', Lost Painters Webmagazine, November 20th, 2011
Jurriaan Benschop/ Bianca Stigter, Arti et Amicitiae Amsterdam, catalogue accompanying the group-exhibition: 'Door Schildersogen/ From a painter's Perspective', p.45, June 2011
Karel Koolhoven, Kim van Norren wint Koninklijke Prijs Vrije Schilderkunst, Kijk op Oost-Nederland, p. 59-65, December 2010
Wim van der Beek, review on solo-exhibition Museum de Fundatie, Zwolle, 'de keuze van....Wim van der Beek, De Stentor, December 2010
Niek Hendrix, Koninklijke Prijs voor Vrije Schilderkunst, Lost Painters Webmagazine, 30 October 2010
Wilma Sütö/ Bregje van Woensel, catalogue 'Koninklijke Prijs voor Vrije Schilderkunst 2010', October 2010
Met Stip, publication Fonds BKVB, 2006