1970 born in Rotterdam
Lives and works in Rotterdam
Rince de Jong graduated from the ST.Joost Academy in Breda in 1993
2011 Hondenband
Cokkie Snoei, Amsterdam
Cokkie Snoei, Rotterdam
2009 Wat ìs dat ?
(together with Romy Finke)
Cokkie Snoei, Rotterdam
2002 Lang leven
Centrum Beeldende Kunst, Nijmegen
1999 Lang leven
Nederlands Foto Instituut, Rotterdam
2010 Close to home
Documentary Photo festival, Rotterdam
2009 Monoloque intérieur
Zwervende tentoonstelling # 14, Rotterdam
2009 It's black, It's white, whoo...
Cokkie Snoei, Amsterdam
2009 Baby. Picturing the ideal human 1840-now
National Media Museum, Bradford
2008 Baby, De ideale mens verbeeld 1840-heden
Nederlands Foto Museum, Rotterdam
2007 Inside out
Foam, Amsterdam
2007 Inspiratie Rotterdam
Historisch Museum, Rotterdam
2004 Conditions humaines, portraits intimes
Institute of Contemporary Arts, Budapest
2003 Shine
Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen, Rotterdam
2002 Face to face
Fotohof, Salzburg
Landesgalerie am Oberösterreichischen Landesmuseum, Linz
2002 Maskers af!
Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam
2002 Conditions humaines, portraits intimes
L'Ospitale, Rubiera, Reggio Emilia
2000 Conditions humaines, portraits intimes
La Sala de Exposiciones del Canal de Isabel II, Madrid
2000 Conditions humaines, portraits intimes
Nederlands Foto Instituut, Rotterdam
1999 Conditions humaines, portraits intimes
Maison de la culture Frontenac, Montreal
Rince de Jong's work is included in the following collections
Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam
Museum Boijmans van Beuningen, Rotterdam
La Salle Bank N.A., Chicago
Price Waterhouse Coopers, Rotterdam
Privat Collections